feed me oyzo and revithia

September 6, 2011 § Leave a comment

——to my kat my lovely lil kat,
she has these almond eyes
they hum to the rhythm of a withering city

seesawed for fun in Paros once
centuries ago
and a picture’s worth a 1000 words
we’ll keep it in a pair of lockets
you and i
bought at an airport
mailed transatlantically
right before
the end of the world

was it before sunset or after sunrise
or after the titanic’s planned obsolescence
that we had those dandy parties
meeting other parts of the world
and raving on archaic stone
in turkish wear and tzatziki mouthed
and playing ball with the lemons from the road
and breaking corks inside bottles, exploding red
and the kids who wanted so bad to speak our tongue
and swimming anywhere and losing shoes and finding some
and reading eachother’s minds
and walking along age-old paths flicking cigarette butts
hoping they’d never decay so we’d live forever too
and the rakomelo’s heat first second fifth tenth keeping us up
that and the dog banging on metal doors
reminding us of our unsettled alien ways…     to be cont.

(play sing and free me everyday)

nαnά d.

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